Narratives Derek Tao Narratives Derek Tao

Life Through a TV Screen – PT. 9

From a distance, rehabilitation can seem to have a relatively straightforward progression. In reality, there are often ups and downs throughout.

In the ninth chapter of the rehabilitation series, Derek navigates an unexpected complication in his return to running, and reflects on how far he has come despite his temporary setback.

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Narratives Derek Tao Narratives Derek Tao

Life Through a TV Screen – PT. 8

The fall of 2022 has arrived. Life continues to flow to the figurative TV screen as airplanes and dreams alike take flight, bringing color and new dimensions to it.

In the eighth chapter of the rehabilitation series, Derek begins the highly anticipated run-walk program, returns to work, and achieves a fitness milestone previously untouched in over a year.

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Meet Recaps, Narratives Derek Tao Meet Recaps, Narratives Derek Tao

A Trip Down Memory Lane

In September of 2022, Elmwood Athletics member Derek Tao had the chance to travel back to Colorado for a 25th anniversary celebration of his alma mater’s cross country program.

Read about Derek’s trip to Colorado and the alumni weekend through his perspective as he reflects on his experience at UCCS and at the reunion just over 5 years after his departure from the program.

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Narratives, Training Jeff Wilson and Willie Moore Narratives, Training Jeff Wilson and Willie Moore

Sub 5 Dreaming

Jeff Wilson chases a sub 5 minute mile elucidating the distraught athletes identity - comparison conquering normalcy.

Jeff examines his running career, sub 5 attempts, and deeper life purpose in this post.

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Narratives Derek Tao Narratives Derek Tao

Life Through a TV Screen – PT. 6

In running, injury rehab and life, a person’s current status and trajectory can change rapidly when given the right conditions at the right time.

The sixth chapter of the series has arrived. In it, Derek shares about his first month away from work, his experience undergoing surgery, and a renewed hope for light at the end of the comeback journey.

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Narratives Derek Tao Narratives Derek Tao

Life Through a TV Screen – PT. 5

Sometimes the best way forward means accepting that life needs to be put on pause. Sometimes encouragement through hard times comes when you don’t expect it.

In this fifth chapter of the series, Derek details his second full month of work, a change in work status, and a new major directional shift with his recovery process.

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Narratives Derek Tao Narratives Derek Tao

Life Through a TV Screen – PT. 4

The first full month of returning to work has passed for Derek, and with it comes a new phase of rehabilitation and a mix of challenges. Even the best plans may not progress as one would hope.

In this fourth chapter of the series, Derek shares more about the personal struggles he has faced with trying to treat his injury while working in his new work environment and his new additions to his rehabilitation plan.

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Narratives Ryan Doner Narratives Ryan Doner

A Personal Experience with Regenerative Treatment and Chronic Injury

In the spring of 2014, Ryan Doner sustained an injury to his Achilles tendon. That injury would go on to have a gradual yet profound effect on his running career over the span of the next 8 years.

Read the first chapter of Ryan’s new blog series as he shares about his competitive running background, his challenges with his injury, and his new hope for treating this long term injury and returning to running.

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Narratives Derek Tao Narratives Derek Tao

​​Life through a TV Screen PT. 3

Every comeback from an injury has a turning point. Some turning points are small checkpoints along the journey, while others represent a major shift in direction.

In this third installment of Derek’s injury recovery series, Derek lays out what may be a major turning point for his recovery process as he proceeds with a corticosteroid injection and more importantly, a new direction with his rehabilitation process

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